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1. Neighborhoods

2. Businesses

3. Village Hall

4. Village Parks

5. Village of Steger Buildings and Properties

6. Recreation Programs


Neighborhood & Business Areas

Over the past several years, many areas of Our community have not been maintained.  This applies to both residential and business areas.  The Active Party is going to work with residents and businesses to educate the community of the existing ordinances and codes that the Village has to enforce, and work to clean up those areas.  This will include equal and fair code enforcement as well as working to find solutions to past issues that have not been addressed.

Village Hall

During a storm over 10 years ago, the Village Hall sustained major damage from a fire.  This fire also damaged the Steger Police Station.  Since that fire, the Village of Steger administration has been operating primarily out of the 2nd floor of the Main Fire Station, with one additional room on the first floor.  Some options were looked into by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, but limited action was taken towards a long-term replacement option.  It is long past time to find a more appropriate home for the Steger Village Hall.  One that is sensible, cost effective and easily accessible to all that have business with the village.  This would also include room for meetings and space for your elected officials to conduct official business while working for our Village.

Village Parks

The Village of Steger is home to many parks.  The conditions at these parks are deteriorating and in need of reinvestment.  The playground equipment needs to be repaired or replaced.  Poorly maintained buildings stand as a reminder of how little has been done to maintain these properties. Much of the fencing around the parks can be dangerous.  The bleachers and benches are in poor shape, and there are many areas where the land is low, which holds water for extended amounts of time, or have uneven ground that can be a tripping hazard.  The Active Party believes our community deserves better for these recreation areas and will prioritize their improvement.

Village of Steger Buildings and Properties

The Village of Steger owns many buildings and properties around town.  While some of these buildings are vital to the functionality of the Village, others are surplus.  The Village has not consistently nor properly maintained them for many years.  How can the Village Inspectors enforce the property maintenance codes, building codes, and ordinances, when many of its own properties are in questionable compliance?  This is not acceptable and the Active Party will ensure that the Village is leading by example.

Recreation Programs

Through collaboration with the great staff at the Louis Sherman Community Center, the Village of Steger is able to offer programs to residents.  The Active party wants to see expanded use of this space and additional programs tailored to all ages.  Whether it be open gyms or academic programs, there is potential for us to offer more programs and events to our residents.

the Active Party
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